Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Western vs China couple cultures.. for fun

Cross-cultural in relationship

By Giorgia Madonno Marco Polo Consulting

Watch this video on the different approach to be in couple in China and in Western countries. 

Just funny.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Marco Polo Consulting activities - China

Team activation workshop in Bracco-Sine
By Giorgia Madonno Marco Polo Consulting

This week  Marco Polo Consulting facilitated a 2 days workshop on team activation in Bracco-Sine in Shanghai. 

We discussed about how to engage people and build a highly performing team.

We had several exercises and discussions and worked to improve on the 5 dysfunctions of a team: absence of trust, fear of conflict, lack of commitment, avoidance of responsibilities, inattention to results.  

We used Cultureamp Murmur Engagement survey and we had a clear pulse of the engagement and performance level in the team, a good dashboard for leaders to start acting on their team focus focusing on the right drivers. 

The feedback on the workshop have been very positive. Happy to having been helpful.


Singapore: the vision and the cultural building process

By Giorgia Madonno Marco Polo Consulting

Professor Schein were used to say that cultures needs symbols, heroes, story telling, sharing of meanings, emotions in order to develop. 

For this reason the death of Mr. Lee, the father of Singapore nation, is a moment of great importance for this journey of national culture building. 
The long queue of people paying respect to him is a symbolic evidence of the recognition of success of certain decisions, values and way of doing. And only winning cultures remain and are reinforced.

The repetition of TV programs  showing Mr. Lee speeches are valuable moments of learning and memory of the clear vision behind the decisions of this impressive leader.
As many western people, I was one of those complaining for feeling this country soulless but tonight listening this man talking in TV I understood the deep meaning of this "clinical cleanness".
A better home for all... this has been the vision for the journey that brought Singapore from 3rd world country to 1st world. Many steps have contributed to this achievement:  creating a military system made Singapore able to defend the territory,  having a bilingualism (English + own mother tongue) has been one of the key actions for cultural integration,  giving houses to citizens as a "stake" of the country business ensured the support of citizens to the plan of the government.

In a very pragmatic way Mr Lee said that a house is something stable and that who own a house knows that the value of it depends on the health of the economy. For this reason the citizen ( like stake-holders ) have supported difficult decisions: they wanted to protect the value of their stake.
People in Singapore, before LKY, were leaving in old shop houses, now they are owners of clean and decent houses and they are interested to keep the green and the cleanness of the city in order to maintain a good value for their home.
Recreational activities and better quality of life have been the objectives after the structural consolidation and they have been greatly achieved.

Soon all this will become the soul of Singapore. It is a so young country. Singapore has the opportunity to take it slowly (from a cultural stand point), digest all the big changes and develop the charisma that we cannot feel yet and enrich with a soul the clean and business oriented Singapore of today.
Participating to this emotional event together with Singaporeans, I can feel that this soul is there and emerging and I feel closer to this place where it happen to me to live.